Hello, There! 👋

These are my notes on DSA, written in C, made available for all, for free. This is so that freshers do not have to waste their precious money on way overpriced courses. Please read the about page page before continuing from here.

Contributions are always welcome.


These do not cover the topics in the entirety. They are just enough for you to get started with data structures and algorithms. Also, you should be knowing the basics / bare minimum of C.

  1. Basic Essentials Of PointersAdvance
  1. Memory Management For DummiesIntermediate


To the point, apt notes on algorithms, they are not too detailed and heavy on mathematics because this does not aim to replace your textbooks and college. It is just a quick reference guide for you to get started with competitive programming.

  1. Time and Space ComplexityAmateur
  1. Recursion: RecursionNovice

Data Structures

Detailed notes on data structures, with examples and code snippets. More than enough to get you started with DSA and competitive programming.

  1. Stacks (wip)Novice
  1. Intro to Trees & Binary Trees (wip)Novice


I am not a god in DSA, I am just a student. If you find any mistakes, please let me know. I will be happy to correct them.